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Friday, March 4, 2011

Will I Die Before I get My Life Insurance Policy Approved?


It is one of the most common complaints among life insurance applicants; why does it take so long to get my term life insurance policy? The reality is that it usually takes 4-7 weeks from the time you submit your application for the insurance company's underwriters to review, approve, and issue a policy. The process can be straightforward and simple if people pay close attention to the detailed questions on the formal application and complete the free, required medical exam in a timely manner. Truthful answers regarding medical history or things such as your driving record help insurance underwriters do their job and thus, expedite the process.

The process can be prolonged if the company requires additional information from a physician or health care provider about health issues or surprises that might come up in your medical records. These requests to doctors or hospitals are what usually cause delays.

The prospective insured can play a role in moving the system along by communicating with their doctors or health providers to help get the requested medical information in the hands of insurance company underwriters as soon as possible. Ignoring questions will only prolong the process.

Getting a term life insurance policy is a serious matter and requires that applicants follow the appropriate steps and guidelines which insurance companies have in place. Internet life insurance brokers who provide online term life insurance quotes tell customers up front that filling out insurance applications truthfully and carefully will help streamline the process and be to their advantage in the end.

Ileana Bravo is the Director of Media & Investor Relations at LifeQuote, the national leader in life insurance. Follow her at the LifeQuote blog where she covers news and trends related to life insurance, health, and finance.

Immediate is the online annuity shopping service which provides guaranteed, high-value fixed annuities products which will help people planning for their retirement needs.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Do Women Need Life Insurance?


Women are the ultimate life jugglers. They have come out of the kitchen and into the office, now making up 50% of the US workforce. But while many are "bringing home the bacon," they are still managing the lion share of the home's responsibilities. Married women have essentially become their husband's economic partners and in a masterful juggling act--- they are balancing career, home and often parental duties.

But, while they shoulder dual financial and family roles, American women still have not caught up to men in life insurance protection. They have made gains, from owning only 29% of all life insurance policies in the US decades ago to now representing 59% of all policies.

Still, according to the American Council of Life Insurance, women are under-insured. LIMRA, a life insurance marketing association, reports that the death benefit for the policies they own is an average of $76,000 while men's is more than double.

What that translates into is that if a woman dies, a family will not only have to cope with the emotional loss of the heart of the home but the death benefit might not replace the lost income. Losing the female head of a family is already a traumatic loss. She is traditionally the main caregiver and nurturer for the children, spouses, and even aging parents. Add to that the financial loss and it could spell an economic catastrophe.

Life insurance helps pay off the cost of a home mortgage, the care of minor children and their future education. It is an important part of a dual income household's living expenses and helps sustain a family's standard of living.

Men buy life insurance to provide protection for his family and to replace his income upon his death but shouldn't a woman do the same? The answer is yes, especially in dual income families. Their value should be the same or even more than a man's.

A woman's contribution, both at work and at home, is multi-dimensional. Her worth is tied into both her emotional and financial roles. She works, she loves, and she nurtures and needs to consider her insurance needs for the benefit of her family's future.

Ileana Bravo is the Director of Media & Investor Relations at LifeQuote, the national leader in life insurance. Follow her at the LifeQuote blog where she covers news and trends related to life insurance, health, and finance.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Invest in real estate to get maximum profit


The simple way to get maximum profit is to invest in real estate because this is the only investing where you get the maximum profit in short time. But for this you need to follow some steps to make your profit maximum level.

1. Make unique search : Fist of all you need to do unique search to choose the property which can give you maximum profit in future for that you can take help of Internet as well some real estate brokers who can advice you some property according to your budget .

2. Choose right agent : You have to choose right agent for investing in real estate because your agent must be faithful to you as well as he/she must be experienced in this field who can guide you the loopholes of this investment.

3. Be patient : You always need to be patient before choosing and selecting a property . You need to keep this thing in mind that you are investing for earning profit so that don't take decisions in stress or in rush. Always after selecting a property you need to search about that property that weather it can give you profit or not.

4. Choose neighborhood : It have seen lot of times that a neighborhood property always gives maximum profit because for that you can search easily as you're aware of the area . You can also take help of your friends . You need to keep this thing in mind that the value of a property increases due to the popularity of that particular place , for that you need to search that which place is in developing situation , it will definitely gives you maximum profit in future.

These was some steps by which you can get maximum profit in real estate investing and you also need to run your innovative mind for choosing and investing in the right place.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Schemes to Release Equity Assures a Rocking Retired Life


Its a known fact that the stability of a retired life largely depends on the pension plans. But nowadays, the pension schemes are being offered at such low rates that the assurance of a stable retired life remains a big question. However, the world does not end here for the retired people. In fact, the idea to release equity sounds a much better alternative. Sometimes, you face a lot of harassments from the authorities in fetching your very own deserved pension. Instead, the option to release equity allows you to be the homeowner and at the same time earn within the walls of your property.

The equity release schemes allow you to withdraw cash against the value of your property. If you are the homeowner and above sixty, this loan scheme is best for you as it gives you the opportunity to make good money even after retirement. Whether you are planning for a long holiday tour or a four-wheeler, these equity release plans fulfill every need of you. The property equity release schemes work on this principle that they provides you a part of your property value in return for a certain share of the proceeds on your death.

There are certain benefits if you opt for the schemes to release equity. Lets have a look:

These equity release schemes provide you a lump sum and a steady income throughout your entire retired life. The sum may be offered to you in tens of thousands of pounds and sometimes hundred pounds per month or even more than that.

The cash that you extract from the value of your property is absolutely devoid of tax.

In order to unlock equity, you don't need to sell off your home. With the help of effective equity release schemes, you are ensured to stay in your own home and earn high.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Some useful real estate facts you must know

Investing in real estate is always a good idea because if you invest in real estate you will get the maximum benefits . But there are some facts which you need to follow before investing in real estate .

1. Make innovative search : While investing in real estate you need to do innovative search for the property which can gives you the maximum benefits. For choose an property you always need to consider those properties which are near to your residence , so that you can aware of the area of the property.

2. Maintain your credit history : You always need to maintain your credit history before buying a property because if you need a loan before buying such , you will get anytime. For that you have to maintain a good credit history .

3. Make profitable decisions : You always have to take profitable decisions while investing in real estate because sometimes people get emotional which some properties and they can do anything for buying them and at the end of result the get that but they also have to face loss. So always take smart decisions while buying a real estate property after considering your profits and loss in mind.

4. Help from masters : Before buying a property you should have to take some helps from the masters of that area regarding the property because there are some things which only a master can understand regarding the property.

5. Choose good agent : You have to choose a good agent , who can give you some profitable deals and for that you need to search for the best agent. There are lot of agents who just misguide you regarding the property and can collect their fees as well. So before hiring an agent you need check weather he /she is honest or not and how much experience he/she has in this field.

These was some useful facts which you always to keep in mind before investing in real estate and I hope they will help you for buying such.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Finding the Right Employment Opportunity in a Depressed Economy

This is a guest post by Tayeb Hyderally

Ty Hyderally is a labor law attorney in New Jersey concentrating in employment law, covering topics related to age discrimination and harassment.

The current economic depression favors the employers when the employment situation is concerned. With so many applicants looking for a job, the small number of available positions makes it an employer’s market. Employers have a multitude of applicants to select from and can be more discerning in their selection. The large number of applicants makes it trickier to be noticed from the swarm of fellow applicants. As job hunting becomes harder, it is becoming more vital for job applicants to know the fundamentals of the regulations governing employment.
Employment contracts indicate the conditions that govern the employer-employee relationship. The agreement should typically include the length of the contract and the conditions for termination. It is necessary to note that most of the employment contracts in the United States are on “at-will” or mutual understanding basis. This simply means that the employment relationship can be ended by any one of the parties involved. Both the employer and the employee can at their own initiative and for whatever motivation they have end the relationship. Anyone of them can do it provided that the grounds for the termination are not in violation of federal and state laws.
Signed employment contracts are binding to both parties as long as it contains no provisions that are contrary to state and federal laws. No employment contract can take precedence over penal provisions about employment procedures and regulations. For example, a contract that eliminates employer responsibility to compensate overtime work by a prospective employee cannot be binding on both parties. A “non-compete” agreement on the other hand can control the job opportunities available to a former employee. This provision is usually sought by companies in extremely competitive and scientific fields to preserve trade secrets and to prevent the competition from gaining advantage of the experience gained by the former employee. Job seekers and current employees who are in these kinds of situation should seek help from a skilled labor attorney.
Job applicants and employees of all businesses all over the United States are protected by the Equal Employment Opportunity Act. This act is enforced by the EEOC, a commission that guard employees and applicants from employer discrimination based on sex, age, religion, ethnicity, color, and disability.
Jobseekers should not just sign anything that their prospective employers present to them to gain employment. Doing so can lead to legal problems and impediments that may require a lot to get out of. In job hunting and in everything we do, knowing the law is a definite advantage.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Keep an eye on your regular spending habits


Even if you don't spend much time thinking about it, there's a good chance that you've picked up on your own spending habits. At least, if you spend a little time mapping them out in your head. You may think about how every morning, you go to the restaurant down the street before work and get a coffee and a Danish. You drive to work, sometimes having to get gas, and on those days, you get yourself a pack of gum to chew while you wait for the gas to pump. Then, you go to work, where you usually buy lunch out of a vending machine. You head home after that, sometimes picking up some groceries, and you make yourself dinner. On the weekends, you go to a bar or the movies, sometimes to a concert.

Not very exciting, huh?

But these are the kinds of habits that you can use to curtail spending, or to catch yourself when you've begun to spend more money than you may realize you're spending.

After looking at your spending habits, you may see that you spend an awful lot of money on coffee, and you're not even that big a fan of that restaurant’s coffee in the first place. Why not get a coffee maker, sleep in, and grab a cup of Joe on your way out the door? Sometimes, you may see how much you're spending and decide that it's entirely worth the money. You go to the movies a lot, but that's one of your favorite things to do, and you'd rather give up eating out during your lunch break at work than having to give up your hobby. Whatever the case may be, knowing what your habits are make it easier to see where all your money is going, and deciding if you like it to be going in those places.
The second, more subtle way, that examining your spending habits can keep you from over-extending yourself is in examining the way that you pay for these things. A lot of your everyday purchases are probably bought with cash. If you notice that you used to always pay with cash, and now you're spending credit cards, it's time to ask yourself why that is, and what consequences it has on your spending.

This self-examination is going to be different for each person, but it can be very illuminating. For instance. Let's say that you used to put 40 dollars spending money in your wallet each week. You consider this 'free money' or 'money to blow,' but at the same time, once that money is gone, you're out of luck, which forces you to consider whether or not you want something before you buy it. If you spend all 40 dollars on Monday, you have the rest of the week to be miserable without any money. But one day, you decide that even though you spent that 40 dollar, you'll just charge a coke on your card. This is the beginning of bad spending, especially if your old system worked.

Similarly, if you use cash to monitor your spending, using a credit card can make it very difficult to keep track of things. You can, of course, go online and see how much you've spent so far, but cash can make it very easy to know, without the help of the internet, a phone, or a bank teller, exactly how much money you have left.